European Association for Endoscopic Surgery
European Association for Endoscopic Surgery
The European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) was founded in 1990 and since then has become a growing and dynamic organisation that continues to play a leading role in Endoscopic Surgery and Allied Interventional Techniques. Aside from organising annual Top Level European Congresses in different European countries, the EAES activities in education, training, research, development, and publication are effected through its various Committees.
The Executive Board consists of 10 members, of which the President, the immediate Past President, the President Elect, the Secretary General, the Internal Auditor and the Treasurer, are responsible for the daily business of the association.
Prof. George Hanna (President EAES)
Prof. Alberto Arezzo (Secretary General EAES)
Symposium on Innovation in Surgery 2025
Innovation and technological advances in surgery offers a great potential to improve patient care. Robot assisted surgery, enhanced intraoperative visualization techniques and artificial intelligence are evolving rapidly and the EAES offers a great opportunity to stay up to date with these evolutions during the annual Symposium on Innovation in Surgery, which in 2025 will be held in Gent, Belgium on 23 – 25 January. The EAES SIS 2025 includes opportunities for hands-on training by experts the day before and after the main symposium held on Friday. The courses will be held at the ORSI academy training center just outside of Gent.
See you in lovely Gent in January 2025!
Dr. Filip Muysoms
Local host SIS2025
33rd international congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES)
Welcome to the official website of the 33rd international congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) that will be held in Belgrade, Serbia from Tuesday 17 June through Friday 20 June 2025, in corporation with the Serbian Association for Endoscopic Surgery (UEHS).
Congress theme: Energy!
Prof. Milos Bjelovic,
EAES 2025 Congress President
Dr. Suzanne Gisbertz,
Chair Programme committee